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In India GDP YouTube contribute ₹10,000,0000 to Indian Youtubers and 750000+ Indian get job from YouTube. This information tell by YouTube official. I tell best 5 YouTube channel niches that help you to make millions of money in 2023. This niches grow your YouTube channel and help you in future.

Youtube channel

Top trends

Today I tell some YouTube channel niches, that gives million of views in your YouTube video. That grow your YouTube channel and increase subscribers. 

Ever green niches

I tell you some niches, these niches will grow your YouTube channel, these niches hype will not down. These niches will in trend in future.


I tell some niches, if your YouTube channel in these niches so you do very hard work for grow your YouTube channel in 2023 because the trend of these niches go down.


Some people think the trend of vlog is go down yes, they think true because between the 2021 to 2022, million of YouTube channel start in these years. But I tell some information about vlogging that help you to grow your YouTube channel in 2022.

You make vlog and you did not provide any value and satisfaction to your viewers and you make only time pass vlog so, people didn't watch your vlog. People need information, satisfaction and value in your vlog.

You see many vloggers YouTube videos views, which vloggers provide value and satisfaction in video, his video get millions of views and subscribers. But you see vloggers who make time pass vlog and didn't provide any value in video, his views go down.  


Some people make make mini vlogs under 1 minutes and gets millions of views and subscribers. This mini vlog go trend in 2023 . This mini vlogs start after food vlogging. Some people do food vlogging in YouTube shorts, so some people make mini vlog by  inspiring from food vlogging.


Some people didn't know what is podcast but watch podcast video. In podcast video two people explain some topic. But today peoples play two role from one character and make podcast video.

These video is very easy to make in today time, this niches go in trend in Instagram and YouTube, this niches creator make video and upload in both platform. This topic trend is not down in future because  you can make shorts and long video form this niche video very easily.

 If you make long  podcast video and upload in YouTube or Instagram after 15 days you make shorts video from long video that you upload before 15 days.

 AI (artificial intelligence)

The trend of AI is growing from starting. In future AI is very useful and the trend of AI is not down in future because AI become a important part of humans. In future AI make video and script you only give command to it.

The earning in AI is very high. You know chat GPT this is in very trend because this is an AI writing tool in which you give command to it , it write all information about it . These help in writing articles . But in future AI video making tool lunch it's help in making YouTube video.

Video editing

In future video editing goes confirm in trend because the increasing the number of creators. In 2023 YouTube and Instagram, people make video in it many people becomes creator. 

All creator do full hard work for making good video and these all creator find good video editing video that video other video editor make and upload in YouTube. 

If you learn video editing and upload video editing video in YouTube you get millions of views and millions of subscribers. You try to make video satisfies because people need satisfaction in video. You make satisfied video by using non copyright song and other thing in video.

5. F & F

F & F mean, F=fitness and fashion,

In 2022 fitness and fashion going in trend, it also go in trend in 2023 because in YouTube shorts very creator tell about fitness and fashion tips and tricks, they get millions of views.

You also do  affiliate marketing and Eran million of money. You tell about fashion product in YouTube shorts and motivate to your viewers to buy this product, you give your fashion product or other products links in comments section. It's trend not down in future because many different - different fashion product lunch in market you tell about it.


The competition in finance is very high very Youtubers make video on it in 2022 but tell different from others Youtubers you tell like about how to live in Dubai only in ₹10000 or how to manage your tax. 

Ever Green


Entertainment is a topic it's value not down in future.


The trend of comedy is not down because it is also part of entertainment.


Music trend not down because every video creator use music in its video.

Animal & Pets

the trend of animal and pet is from starting because most of the people have their pets, if you have not any content for uploading in YouTube for Instagram you can upload your pet video. You also tell about how to take care of pet or other thing about that pet.


you can buy different different think from online platform like Amazon Flipkart or other app. Most of people unbox their product and review it and upload in YouTube shorts and get millions of views and like. 

You also unbox any product and tell about it in video and upload video in YouTube you get millions of use and likes.


Gaming-The trend of gaming is going down in India because most of game are ban in India.


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