How to earn passively online || Make money online

If you want to make passive income online in 2023, today I tell about best way for making passive income. Today many AI tools are launch and many people make money from using them and I tell correct why to make money.

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How to make Passive Income online

By this point you might have seen 10 to 100 videos on YouTube about passive income, but you might have realize that most of these methods don't exactly work for you and that is why today I want to talk about some real passive income ideas. 

Most people have miss conception about what is passive income exactly, most people think you can earn easily buy the help of these few methods but the reality is much different. Passive income mean in starting you develop a system and this system recurring give you money that is the meaning of passive income, only you do hard work in starting not in future.

Let's talk about these passive income method from these methods I personally try some methods I will share my own experience in these each segment.

Income overview

You get money while you sleeping

You only do work once time on you project

You must do advertisement of you product

E-Book Publishing

Create a E-book and publish it through KDP. If you a knowledge about a particular subject ,if you know particular skill you can teach the people by the help of E-book or if you have a story to tell you can do that by creating your own E-book.

Most people think that creating the E-book is very difficult work but this is wrong I publish my own 3 E-Book, the process of making E-book is very easy. 

You write basic that is running in your mind, what you can teach people and then create the structure with that you create chapters with that then start writing on chapters you write chapters with the help of Google docs and when your E-book you simply login in KDP this website is from Amazon you can upload the E-book in PDF form.

Company reviews the your E-book then you can lunch it after the putting metadata like book name, book cover, book description and decide the price of a book and lunch on Amazon.

 In Amazon if your book have great SEO, you optimized you book in right way and you upload your E-book in right category and it continuously get attractions when some searches for E-book category your book show in top and you get sales. 

You just do hard work in starting not in future and I sales happen automatically you just lunch only. Amazon KDP is available in all of the countries around the world and I think that will give you more distribution.

 Amazon cut some money from your sale and you get left money every month your sales money credit in your bank account without putting any much more afford. But you have to do promotion of your E-book for attract the people towards your E-book and Amazon KDP is the best flatform for E-BOOK because you can upload E-book without any charges.

Investing in Dividend Stocks

Some Stock are in Stock market in which you invest they give you percentage cut as a dividend. Every single month I got my dividend in my bank account without me doing any afford. 

These are many companies who leads dividend in Indian Stock market, value of stock is increase but you get dividend also this is the  way to generate passive in by stocks. If you invest in a stock if value of the stock is increase who sell it and generate passive income from it.

In this method you didn't put your afford, if you have some money or pocket money invest it in stocks and get dividend lead every single month. Completely passively you can invest more and you can get a percentage of that as dividend.

Course Selling

Make your own course on a subject matter on you in which you expert and you publish on the website like "udemy", teachable and many more. I think that is best way to make many passively because once you make a course you just focus on its marketing and peoples automatically come on your website and purchase your course and you will make money from that. 

In this you didn't do any afford after making your course. You  simply have a idea our a skill which you teach to the people  like communication skill, copyrighting skills, video editing skills and etc.

There are too much skills that you teach to peoples you just make course on its and selling it to the people. If want to get more sales you just run ads about your course or you optimize your course on you flatform that you using. That is the way to money from course.

How to write E-book content?

Use Chat GPT.

How to make images or thumnail?

You can use canva.

How to invest in dividend stock?

Open demat account in any broker.

Selling Digital products

You can sell your digital products on Etsy or Gumroad .There is a Twitter creator who make around $100000 from just selling Notion template to people on twitter. He use a flatform called Gumroad, he upload their notion template link on it whenever someone buy this particular product he earn from it.

He has expertise on notion there are tons on people who sell Canva template if you know Canva very well you can design template for social media posts for presentation and you can sell on Etsy. This is very interesting fields because in you can not show you just make a asset and people buy it with you put any afford into it . 

If you are video editor you sell assets and animation on these flatform, if you are designer you sell you template or you are marketer you sell you cold email template. 


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