Blogging micro niches|| blogging

Today I tell best international micro niches ideas for blogging in 2023, you know that competition in blogging is increased in 2023 but this micro niches that I tell in this blog these all are low competition niches.

These are very helpful and profitable ideas for beginners because many people make blog but that didn't become profitable blog and they didn't get traffic these all problems create by choosing wrong Niche.

The main thing is revenue that you can generate by traffic but these niches that I telling if you work proper and give some afford on your working you get lot of traffic.


How to choose Blogging Niches 

You know that courses are in trend many people selling their course but some course are useful and some are not useful. If you give honest review about  courses people read your blog and get idea about courses.

I suggest to review trending course that are expensive because people didn't buy expensive courses easily they find honest review about their course after they purchased it.

You can also do affiliate marketing of some courses by adding affiliate link in your blog and don't forget to provide basic course information like course time duration, level,rating, introduction and etc.

Some platform provides free courses with time limit, after endings time limit you can switch in paid version of course. You can get free courses by contacting course vender and tell them that I am writing blog on your course and if you give me your course free I also promote your course.

There are many apportunity in this niche, every day new online course are coming and also many people are buying them if you open blog on this micro niches this become profitable.

Loan niche

Most the problem that people see is dept  settlement (loan settlement), if you have knowledge related loan you can make blog on it and also sell your services through your blog. Google Adsense give very high CPC in this niche by which you can make more money by less views.

If you start loan niche blog I suggest you to buy domain name in which loan related keywords are include by which your blog can rank easily. You can also provide information about crypto currency, stock market or etc along with this niche.

If you didn't have information related loan you can watch video related it in YouTube and write in your form, you didn't get any problem in approval by this method of blog writing. You also get content from your competitors and you can not any copyright because in this niche data and process are same.

Budget travel blog

This is the niche in which we can get Adsense approval easily, also do affiliate marketing and make money from other sources. I suggest you to add city guide in your blog by which your blog become user friendly. Most of the people need budget trip in less money so you can make budget lists by the bases of festival, season or etc.

You also take help of Google maps in this Niche and also provide services information like prizes and location in blog by which travelers get more information through blog because when someone go first time he didn't have information about that place.

You also tell country dishes, special about countries, countries rule and etc things that help traveller to live easily. If you want start this niches find a blog related this niches and see how work is done on this niche that help you to much.

Fishing industry niche

Fishing are passion of some people, most of the people do fishing and also make content related fishing on social media. If you make blog on fishing you can rank your blog easily because competition in fishing niche is low you can rank easily and get lot of traffic.

The people which are working on fishing niche they also sell their products, you can also sell your own products or do affiliate marketing in this Niche. Internationally fishing is very big industry you easily promote your products.

Best Evergreen Niches Of Blogging

Football Niche

Particular sports niche is very profitable because in this niche we have too many content and there is too much craze of sports in peoples. So you can get lot of traffic in this niche.

In this niche you can upload sports news content, training content or sports products reviews ,you can give information about sports match news, match prediction or etc thing about particular sports.

You can sell sports jerseys, shoes, sports equipment, and etc thing by your blog easily and if you work proper on this niche you can make lot of money from this blog. If your expert in any sport and have a good knowledge about that sport you can make course on it and sell it.

This is evergreen niche that have lot of audience and I suggest you to choose popular sports like football, basketball, or other etc.  because these games have lot of audience and if you work proper on it with low competition you definitely get lot of traffic.

Can I rank easily on these niches?

Yes, but your domain is older.

From where I can start my blog first?


These niches are Internationl?


AI Niche

AI is growing very fastest in 2023 and new AI tools are launching some of the are very helpful for making money or etc work. Some AI tools are very helpful but most of the people didn't know about these tools but if make blog on it people read your blog and use these AI tools.

Blog about AI is very profitable in 2023 because of their growing conditions and requirements, every months new AI tools are coming if you make blog on it and tell uses or trick of these AI tools you literally get lot traffic.

In this niche you can do affiliate marketing by selling ai courses and you can also make your seperate courses on these niche. In this niches you also tell the people how to use ai tools.This niche become highly profitable if you work proper on it with low competition keywords.


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